The Original Black Elderberry

Give your immune system a healthy start to the new year

“By incorporating time-honoured remedies like Black Elderberry together with simple lifestyle changes, we can help our immune system beat those winter bugs.”
Dr Jenna Macciochi

Expert tips to survive winter bugs

As a new year arrives, it’s important to understand how simple lifestyle changes can have a big impact on immune health and as we are now officially in the thick of winter, catching the nasty bugs may seem inevitable. Here, immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochi shares her expert advice on how to optimise your health and support your immune system this winter.

1) Stay well hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for maintaining strong mucus barriers, which are the body’s frontline defence against viruses. Mucous membranes in your nose and throat trap pathogens before they can enter your system. Drinking plenty of fluids helps ensure that your mucus barriers remain resilient, preventing germs from taking hold and aiding in faster recovery if you do become unwell.

2) Prioritise gut health: A healthy gut is key to a strong immune system, as around 70% of your immune cells are found in the gut. The good bacteria in your gut play a crucial role in educating your immune system, helping it recognise and respond effectively to harmful invaders. By eating a healthy, balanced, fibre-rich diet and supplementing smartly, you can nourish your gut and help your immune system function at its best.

3) Nutrients for immune health: For centuries, black elderberry has been a trusted botanical to help safeguard your health, especially during winter. Rich in antioxidants, including powerful anthocyanins Sambucol supplements harness black elderberries as well as key immune-supporting ingredients such as *vitamin C and zinc to help you and your family stay well. Available in a range of delicious formats from gummies to liquids.

4) Nasal breathing: Breathing through the nose helps filter and humidify the air we inhale, providing a first line of defence against airborne pathogens like common winter bugs. Unlike mouth breathing, nasal breathing traps viruses in the nasal mucus, allowing the immune system to deal with them before they enter the body. For extra support try Sambucol’s New Extra Defence Menthol Gummies which combine multiple immune supporting nutrients with soothing and clearing menthol action.

5) Be mindful of January extremes: After the indulgences of the festive season, it’s tempting to swing to extremes with excessive exercise routines or extreme diets. However, balance is key to supporting your immune system. Sudden, drastic changes can put unnecessary stress on your body, which can weaken your immune system. Instead, focus on small, sustainable habits that strengthen your body and build resilience over time such as regular movement, nourishing meals and prioritising rest.


*Vitamin C and zinc contribute to the normal function of the immune system.

Nielsen MAT 11/24

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